Friday, March 2, 2012


All these decades
thirsting in the wilderness
and still I refuse
to drink the kool-aid.
   - mce

Olympian Malaise

The old gods are pathetic.

Without the punctuation
of time and death
only indolence and boredom

Listlessly they lounge
murdering flies or men
with equal unconcern.

Their eternal now
does not allow
the distinction
of pleasure
and pain.

Much better to be
a mortal man
to struggle,
and suffer
over and over
   - mce

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I have lived alone
so long that
I have learned
to hug myself
and enjoy it.
  - mce

Proccessed Cheese Blues

Brie or velveeta?
As Janis Joplin
once observed:
It's all the same
fucking day,

White Man's Lament

the pebbles
of the Ghost Road
tickle my toes.

What delight!

If you are
born white,
it can take
an entire lifetime
to capture
one Lakota moment,

but it's well
worth the wait.


4 AM

Sleep departs.
The hour
that all poets
and fear.
The chill
of morning
not quite born
and death
hovering near.
   - mce

That Beard Poem

The only reason men shave is
to facilitate getting laid.

These days women
only interest me as people.

Time to grow a beard.


Changing Citizenship

In France
they know that women
like wine
only improve
with age.

In Amerika
we are taught
to lust
after impossible
Barbie Dolls.

At my age,
I'd rather be


Another Day Alone

A whole volume
of poetry
squats within
that title.

Don't squint
so hard;
you'll find it.



Death lurks
in rented rooms
but a few blocks away
and slyly
changing adresses
moves closer
every day.
