Sunday, June 19, 2011


This explains our love:
not the first love,
perhaps the last love,
certainly the best love.
~ mce


The world worships nascence; only the young are seen as truly alive. The old become transparent and obsolete as ghosts. It is not the event of death we fear so much as the slow fading away that proceeds it. To be old in a world where the young no longer see you: that is one definition of loneliness.
~ mce

Didn't, Couldn't, Shouldn't, Etc.

I wanted to live a brilliant life,
I didn't.
I wanted to be a good husband,
I wasn't.
I wanted the world to forgive my failures,
It wouldn't.
I wanted to make words dance,
I couldn't.
I sometimes want to curse the earth,
I shouldn't.
~ mce

The Birth Of Self-Awareness and Consciousness

and there comes that moment call it the first adult moment at 17 from heartbreak or at 20 fighting a lost war when the realization of emptiness attends you and you know in your testicles or ovaries that god is deaf chaos rules eternally the universe stands indifferent and you are but a carbuncle on the cosmos' ass alone and forever alone and that moment may be debilitating or delightful enslaving or freeing and your life is launched upon a trajectory that you can never escape it is the moment of depression or bliss depending on your malleable personality and temperament and you will never ever be the same again...

That's All, Folks...

There's birth,
there's death,
and in between
there's maintenance.

Shit, shower, shave;
how boring
to be a primate.

Enforced ritual

the meaning
of life really is
just to floss
your teeth
while waiting
to croak.

Now there is
a wonderful
cosmic joke.
  ~ mce (with a nod to TR)


the path
to salvation
took a detour
and missed
my house.

That's OK:
rather Pirate Hell
than Christian Heaven.

Finer wenches
down there,
better beer,
and anyhow,
I am allergic
to clouds.
  ~  mce